Our team

Geoff Radford

Chief Executive Officer

Geoff Radford has lived in the Northern Territory for more than 10 years, leading multidisciplinary teams across youth, disability, children and families, and early intervention. Geoff first moved to Alice Springs in 2012, delivering programs in regional centres as well as remote Aboriginal communities, working closely with First Nations leaders to deliver culturally-safe care. In 2016, Geoff was seconded to Darwin to manage the support services to the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the NT. 

Many of the programs Geoff has overseen are in response to mental health needs and complex trauma. He has created and implemented service delivery models based on contractual and organisational requirements, including policies and procedures, risk management, support service manuals and external evaluation. This experience has led to key relationships and strategic alliances with government departments, community service organisations, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, peak bodies and advocacy groups.  

Geoff has qualifications in Health Services Management and Strategic Management and experience in both government and non-government roles. Geoff works relationally and draws on situational leadership principles to motivate individuals in multidisciplinary teams to achieve common goals. 

Geoff lives in Darwin with his partner and young son.


Max Taylor

Sector Development Lead

Max was born and raised on Wardandi Noongar Country in the south-west of WA.  She lived and worked in a range of other places before completing a Bachelor of Culture and Communications as a mature student.  Straight after, Max entered the social services sector seeking employment that focusses on social justice through community leadership. Max has worked in operational and strategic leadership roles for NGOs in sexual health, mental health, and in the Noongar community.  

Max strongly believes in continual learning, mutual capacity building and collaboration to jointly make a positive impact in our communities. 

In 2022 Max moved to Darwin with her partner.  She intends to stay.

Claire Williams

Communications and Health Promotions Coordinator

Claire moved to Darwin in December 2023, to start her medical degree through Flinders University. Claire has a diverse background working in the not-for-profit sector, agricultural industry and healthcare sector. Claire has spent time living and working in Katherine and a number of years in rural farming communities in New South Wales and Victoria. She holds a Bachelor of Agriculture Science, Graduate Certificate in Business Management and is currently studying a Doctor of Medicine through the Northern Territory Medical Program.

Claire has worked as a program facilitator, communications manager, event coordinator, healthcare scheduler, journalist and agronomist. She is passionate about healthcare and providing services to those in rural and remote settings. Upon finishing her studies, Claire intends to train as a Rural Generalist with the intention to provide holistic care to patients in a hospital setting. She has a special interest in mental health and women health and hopes to incorporate this into her advanced skills training. Claire loves living in the NT and likes running, swimming, mountain biking, hiking and camping with friends.

Do you, or someone you know, 
need help with your mental health?

While NTMHC are not a service provider, we can point you in the direction of services that can support you.