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Become a member
Organisational members
Organisational members qualify as an Organisational Member once entities satisfy the Board that it:
- is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation,
- provides services directly to people experiencing mental illness in the Northern Territory,
- demonstrates the ability to contribute to the objects and purpose of the Coalition
- Turnover below $1 million – $350 per annum
- Turnover above $1 million – $550 per annum
Associate members
Associate members are entities deemed by the board to be supportive or as having bona fide interest in the achievement of the Coalition’s objectives. In order to qualify as an Associate Member, the entity must satisfy the Board that it:
- has an interest in the provision of community based mental health services in the Northern Territory
If your organisation meets the criteria above and you are interested in becoming a member, please provide the following information and we will be in touch.
- $250 per annum
If you’d like more information about becoming a member, or would like to apply to become a member, fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch: